[Sons and Lovers by David Herbert Lawrence]@TWC D-Link book
Sons and Lovers


Mrs.Morel said to him: "I s'll trust her to you, my lad, and hold you responsible for her." "You can," he said, nearly dead with the ordeal.

And it was all over.
When Morel and Arthur were in bed, Paul sat talking, as he often did, with his mother.
"You're not sorry she's married, mother, are you ?" he asked.
"I'm not sorry she's married--but--it seems strange that she should go from me.

It even seems to me hard that she can prefer to go with her Leonard.

That's how mothers are--I know it's silly." "And shall you be miserable about her ?" "When I think of my own wedding day," his mother answered, "I can only hope her life will be different." "But you can trust him to be good to her ?" "Yes, yes.

They say he's not good enough for her.

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