[Sons and Lovers by David Herbert Lawrence]@TWC D-Link bookSons and Lovers CHAPTER IX 111/150
You won't do much on that." He twisted still, impotent, stubborn, not looking up. "But do you really want to get married ?" she asked.
"Do you feel as if you ought ?" He gave her one straight look from his blue eyes. "Yes," he said. "Then," she replied, "we must all do the best we can for it, lad." The next time he looked up there were tears in his eyes. "I don't want Annie to feel handicapped," he said, struggling. "My lad," she said, "you're steady--you've got a decent place.
If a man had NEEDED me I'd have married him on his last week's wages.
She may find it a bit hard to start humbly.
Young girls ARE like that.
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