[L’Abbe Constantin by Ludovic Halevy]@TWC D-Link book
L’Abbe Constantin


The Captain was obliged to interfere; he addressed a little reprimand to Jean, which terminated in these words: "I can not understand it at all.

What is the matter with you this morning?
It is the first time such a thing has happened with you." It was also the first time that Jean had seen anything at the butts at Souvigny but cannon, ammunition wagons, horses, or gunners.
In the clouds of dust raised by the wheels of the wagons and the hoofs of the horses Jean beheld, not the second mounted battery of the 9th Regiment of artillery, but the distinct images of two Americans with black eyes and golden hair; and, at the moment when he listened respectfully to the well-merited lecture from his Captain, he was in the act of saying to himself: "The prettier is Mrs.Scott!" Every morning the exercise is divided into two parts by a little interval of ten minutes.

The officers gathered together and talked; Jean remained apart, alone with his recollections of the previous evening.
His thoughts obstinately gathered round the vicarage of Longueval.
"Yes! the more charming of the two sisters is Mrs.Scott; Miss Percival is only a child." He saw again Mrs.Scott at the Cure's little table.

He heard her story told with such frankness, such freedom.

The harmony of that very peculiar, very fascinating voice, still enchanted his ear.

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