[L’Abbe Constantin by Ludovic Halevy]@TWC D-Link book
L’Abbe Constantin


Valued at 600,000 francs.

The farm of Blanche-Couronne, 300 hectares, valued at 500,000 francs.

The farm of La Rozeraie, 250 hectares, valued at 400,000 francs.

The woods and forests of La Mionne, containing 450 hectares, valued at 550,000 francs.
And these four amounts, added together at the foot of the bill, gave the respectable sum of 2,050,000 francs.
Then they were really going to dismember this magnificent domain, which, escaping all mutilation, had for more than two centuries always been transmitted intact from father to son in the family of Longueval.

The placards also announced that after the temporary division into four lots, it would be possible to unite them again, and offer for sale the entire domain; but it was a very large morsel, and, to all appearance, no purchaser would present himself.
The Marquise de Longueval had died six months before; in 1873 she had lost her only son, Robert de Longueval; the three heirs were the grandchildren of the Marquise: Pierre, Helene, and Camille.

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