14/29 I have since learned from Chavigny that for two long months they had been waiting that happy moment. For myself, indeed, I observed nothing, except that little villain, the Abbe de Gondi,--[Afterward Cardinal de Retz.]--who prowled near me, and seemed to have something hidden under his sleeve; it was he that made me get into the coach." "Apropos of the Abbe, my lord, the Queen insists upon making him coadjutor." "She is mad! he will ruin her if she connects herself with him; he's a musketeer in canonicals, the devil in a cassock. Read his 'Histoire de Fiesque'; you may see himself in it. He will be nothing while I live." "How is it that with a judgment like yours you bring another ambitious man of his age to court ?" "That is an entirely different matter. This young Cinq-Mars, my friend, will be a mere puppet. |