[A Man in the Iron Mask by Alexandra Dumas]@TWC D-Link book
A Man in the Iron Mask


Chapter XXVI.

The Last Adieux.
Raoul uttered a cry, and affectionately embraced Porthos.

Aramis and Athos embraced like old men; and this embrace itself being a question for Aramis, he immediately said, "My friend, we have not long to remain with you." "Ah!" said the comte.
"Only time to tell you of my good fortune," interrupted Porthos.
"Ah!" said Raoul.
Athos looked silently at Aramis, whose somber air had already appeared to him very little in harmony with the good news Porthos hinted.
"What is the good fortune that has happened to you?
Let us hear it," said Raoul, with a smile.
"The king has made me a duke," said the worthy Porthos, with an air of mystery, in the ear of the young man, "a duke by _brevet_." But the _asides_ of Porthos were always loud enough to be heard by everybody.

His murmurs were in the diapason of ordinary roaring.

Athos heard him, and uttered an exclamation which made Aramis start.

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