[A Man in the Iron Mask by Alexandra Dumas]@TWC D-Link book
A Man in the Iron Mask


Chapter XXV.

In Which Porthos Thinks He Is Pursuing a Duchy.
Aramis and Porthos, having profited by the time granted them by Fouquet, did honor to the French cavalry by their speed.

Porthos did not clearly understand on what kind of mission he was forced to display so much velocity; but as he saw Aramis spurring on furiously, he, Porthos, spurred on in the same way.

They had soon, in this manner, placed twelve leagues between them and Vaux; they were then obliged to change horses, and organize a sort of post arrangement.

It was during a relay that Porthos ventured to interrogate Aramis discreetly.
"Hush!" replied the latter, "know only that our fortune depends on our speed." As if Porthos had still been the musketeer, without a sou or a _maille_ of 1626, he pushed forward.

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