[The Moonstone by Wilkie Collins]@TWC D-Link book
The Moonstone


Self-willed--devilish self-willed sometimes--I grant; but the finest creature, nevertheless, that ever walked the ways of this lower world.

Perhaps you think you see a certain contradiction here?
In that case, a word in your ear.

Study your wife closely, for the next four-and-twenty hours.

If your good lady doesn't exhibit something in the shape of a contradiction in that time, Heaven help you!--you have married a monster.
I have now brought you acquainted with Miss Rachel, which you will find puts us face to face, next, with the question of that young lady's matrimonial views.
On June the twelfth, an invitation from my mistress was sent to a gentleman in London, to come and help to keep Miss Rachel's birthday.
This was the fortunate individual on whom I believed her heart to be privately set! Like Mr.Franklin, he was a cousin of hers.

His name was Mr.Godfrey Ablewhite.
My lady's second sister (don't be alarmed; we are not going very deep into family matters this time)--my lady's second sister, I say, had a disappointment in love; and taking a husband afterwards, on the neck or nothing principle, made what they call a misalliance.

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